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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Co-Investigator

Oceanic "de-acidification": Verification of acidification mitigation function of eelgrass beds and prediction of biological community and ecosystem function change

Masahiro Nakaoka(Hokkaido University), Haruko Kurihara(University of the Ryukyus),  Masahiko Fujii(Hokkaido University)

 The eelgrass beds absorb CO2 by photosynthesis and thus have the function of alleviating ocean acidification. In this study, we clarify the size and spatial influence range of the marine acidification mitigation function of eelgrass beds and evaluate the influence of the effect on the marine life community.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


Ocean resource utilization promotion technology development program Ocean information grasping technology development Co-Investigator

Development of automatic continuous carbonation measurement system equipped with BGC-Argo

Kayanne Hajime(The University of Tokyo), Yukari Sato( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Toshiaki Asakai ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Haruko Kurihara(University of the Ryukyus)、Andrew Dickson (SCRIPS)

​    The carbon dioxide-based chemical environment in the whole ocean is being greatly modified by the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. The purpose of this project is to develop an automatic continuous carbonation measurement system that can be installed on an unmanned platform to make it possible to measure carbonation in the entire ocean.

SCOR (Working Group 149: COBS)​

Changing Ocean Biology (COBS): How will biota respond to a changing ocean?

​Marine Pew Fellow Project

​Evaluation of vulnerability of Japan coastal ecosystem and marine fisheries to ocean acidification

Finished project


Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal Investigator

Evaluation of the biodiversity conservation mechanism in reef ecosystems under high CO2 and temperature environment : Palau inner reef as a case study

Atsushi Watanabe(Tokyo Institute of Technology)、Takashi Nakamura(Tokyo Institute of Technology)、Miyajima Toshihiro(The University of Tokyo)

​  Coral reef ecosystems have been pointed out to be the most vulnerable to climate change, as global warming and ocean acidification negatively impact coral communities. On the other hand, applicants discovered that coral communities with extremely high coverage and diversity inhabit in the Nikko Bay on the Palau republic in spite of higher CO2 in seawater and higher water temperature than in the surrounding sea area. Using this bay, we will evaluate the possibility of adaptation response and tolerance acquisition to high CO2 and high water temperature environment by organisms, and propose new possibilities and adaptation measures for response to climate change by coral reef ecosystem.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Co-Investigator

Community shift from hard to soft corals in a CO2 seep

Kayanne Hajime(The University of Tokyo), Yukari Sato( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Saki Harii(University of the Ryukyus), Haruko Kurihara(University of the Ryukyus)

​ To evaluate the impact on the coral reef ecosystem by acidification in the field, using the Okinawa Prefecture Iwotorishima area where CO2 is released from the seabed.

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Principal Investigator

Evaluation of ocean acidification impacts at Japan coast water and fisheries

Michiyo Kawai(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), Masahiko Fujii(Hokkaido University)

​    Ocean acidification is likely to greatly alter the carbonation environment in coastal areas responsible for bioproductivity / biodiversity and directly affect domestic biological resources. However, the actual conditions of ocean acidification in the coastal area have not yet been clarified, and further, since the acidification forecast model covering the coastal area has not yet been constructed, the impact assessment of marine acidification on coastal organisms is accurate. The fact is that it can not be done. In this study, for the purpose of elucidating the influence on biological resources by acidification in the coastal area of Japan, 1. Elucidating the spatio-temporal carbonic acid chemical environment of high resolution on the domestic coast, fish species important species (sea urchin / Evaluate the threshold of acidification to shellfish (Crustacea / Crustacea) and conduct ocean acidification risk assessment for important fish species.



Establishment of core technology for the preservation and regeneration of marine biodiversity and ecosystems Co-Investigator

Continuous flow-through analyzer of small-sized seawater carbonate system to evaluate response of marine ecosystem against ocean acidification

Kayanne Hajime(The University of Tokyo), Yukari Sato( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Saki Harii(University of the Ryukyus), Haruko Kurihara(University of the Ryukyus)

​    It is feared that the progress of the ocean acidification due to the increase of the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration will greatly alter the carbonic acid chemical environment in the reef area. In this project, we aim to develop a new pH-alkaline micro-continuous measurement system for the ocean and clarify the ocean acidification response at the ecosystem level.



Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development     Co-Investigator

Climate Change Crisis and Countermeasures in Coral Reef Islands

Takashi Nakamura, James D Reimer, Yoko Fujita, Kaoruko Miyakuni, Haruko Kurihara (University of the Ryukyus), Tadashi Kimura(Japan Wildlife Research Centre)

    Maintenance and management with local guidance by fostering human resources while promoting environmental monitoring in Palau, assessment of the impact on coral reef ecosystems due to climate change and regional environmental change, and assessment of impacts on biodiversity in collaboration with local research institutes Establish system heterosexuality.

University of the Ryukyus

Biology Program, Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science

Rikei Fukugou Room# 415, 606, 607

Senbaru 1 Nishihara-town Nakagami-gun Okinawa, Japan 903-0213

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