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原著論文 (引用回数)

  1. Listiawati V, Kurihara H (2021) Ocean warming and acidification modify top-down and bottom-up control in a tropical seagrass ecosystem. Sci Rep. in press

  2. ​Kurihara H, Watanabe A, Tsugi A, Mimura I., Hongo C, Kawai T, Reimer JD, Kimoto K, Gouezo M, Golbuu Y (2021) Potential local adaptation of corals at acidified and warmed Nikko Bay, Palau. Sci Rep. in press

  3. Yamamoto-Kawai M, Ito S, Kurihara H, Kanda J (2021) Processes affecting ocean acidification in the highly eutrophic Tokyo Bay, Japan. Front Mar Sci. Accepted

  4. Machida RJ, Kurihara H, Nakajima R, Sakamaki T, Lin Y-Y, Furusawa K (2021) Comparative analysis of zooplankton diversities estimated from complement DNA and genomic DNA amplicons, metatranscriptomics, and morphological identifications. ICES J Marine Sci. Accepted

  5. Reimer JD, Kurihara H, Ravasi T, Ide Y, Izumiyama M, Hayanne H (2021) Unexpected high abundance of aragonite-forming Nanipora (octocorallia; Helioporacea) at an acidified volcanic reef in southern Japan. Marine Biodiversity 51, 19

  6. Kurihara H(2020) Potential impacts and management of ocean acidification on Japanese marine fisheries and aquaculture. Bull Japan Fish Edu Ageo 50, 55-66.

  7. Kurihara H, Suhara Y, Mimura I, Golbuu Y (2020) Potential acclimatization and adaptative responses of adult and trans-generational coral larvae from a naturally acidified habitat. Front Mar Sci 7, 581160

  8. 栗原晴子 (2020) サンゴ礁生態系への酸性化影響. 総説日本女性科学者の会学術誌 20: 41-50

  9. Yamamoto S, Kayanne H, Fujita N, Kurihara H, Harii S, Hemmi A, Dickson AG (2020) Development of an automated transportable system to measure the total alkalinity of seawater. Talanta 221: 121666

  10. Gouezo M, Doropoulos C, Fabrocius K, Olsudong D, Nestor V, Kurihara H, Golbuu Y, Harrison P (2020) Multispecific coral spawning events and extended breeding periods on an equatorial reef. Coral Reefs 39:1107-1123

  11. Soliman T, Fernandez-Silva I, Kise H, Kurihara H, Reimer JD (2019) Population differentiation across small distances in a coral reef-associated vermitid (Ceraesignum maximum) in Palau. Coral Reefs 38: 1159-1172

  12. Boyd P. W., Collins S., Dupont S., Fabricius K., Gattuso J.-P., Havenhand J., Hutchins D. A., McGraw C. M., Riebesell U., Vichi M., Biswas H., Ciotti A., Dillingham P., Gao K., Gehlen M., Hurd C. L., Kurihara H., Navarro J., Nilsson G. E., Passow U. & Pörtner H.-O. (2019) SCOR WG149 Handbook to support the SCOR Best Practice Guide for ‘Multiple Drivers’ Marine Research. 44 p. Hobart: University of Tasmania.

  13. Kurihara H, Watanabe A (2019) Coral reef conservation at Republic of Palau under climate change. Journal of Japan Coral reef Society 21, 35-47

  14. Price NN, Muko S, Legendre L, Steneck R, van Oppen MJH, Albright R et al. (全19名中14番目)(2019) Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 621:1-17

  15. Kurihara H, Wouters J, Yasuda N (2019) Seasonal calcification of the coral Acropora digitifera from a subtropical marginal Okinawa reef under ocean acidification. Coral Reefs 38: 443-454

  16. Lebrec M, Stefanski S, Gates R, Acar S, Golbuu Y, Claudel-Rusin A, Kurihara Het al. (2019) Ocean acidification impacts in select Pacific Basin coral reef ecosystems. Regional Studies in Marine Science 28, 100584

  17. Wee BH, Kurihara H, Reimer JD (2019) Reduced Symbiodiniaceae diversity in Palythoa tuberculosis at a heavily acidified coral reef. Coral Reefs, in press

  18. Kurihara H, Ikeda N, Umezawa Y (2018) Diurnal and seasonal variation of particle and dissolved organic matter release by the coral Acropora tennuis. Peer J 6: e5728

  19. Kurihara H, Shikota T (2018) Impact of increased seawater pCO2 on the host and symbiotic algae of juvenile giant clam Tridacna crocea. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 20: 1-20

  20. Boyd PW, Collins S, Dupont S, Fabricius K, Gattuso J-P, Havenhand J, Hutchins DA, Riebeselll U, Rintoul MS, Uichi M, Bissau H, Ciotti A, Tao K, Gehlen M, Hurd CL, Kurihara H, McGRaw CM, Navarro JM, Nilsson GE, Passos U, Porter H-O (2018) Experimental strategies to assess the biological ramifications of multiple drivers of ocean global ocean – a review" Global Change Biology 24, 2239-2261

  21. Nakajima R, Haas A, Rohwer F, Sandin S, Kurihara H, Smith J, Silver C, Kelly E, Nakatomi N, Keely L (2018) Release of dissolved and particulate organic matter by the soft coral Lobophytum and subsequent microbial degradation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 504, 53-60

  22. Bergman JL, Harii S, Kurihara H, Edmunds PJ (2018) Behavior of brooded coral larvae in response to elevated pCO2. Frontier Marine Science, 5, 51

  23. Kurihara H, Takahashi A, Reyes-Bermudez A, Hidaka M (2018) Infraspecific variation in the response of the scleractinian coral Acropora digitifera to ocean acidification. Marine Biology 165: 38-49

  24. Hongo C, Kurihara H, Yimnang Golbuu (2018) Coral boulders on Melekeok reef in the Palau Islands: an indicators of wave activity associated with tropical cyclones. Marine Geology 399, 14-22

  25. Hongo C, Kurihara H, Yimnang Golbuu (2018) Projecting of wave height and water level on reef-lined coasts due to intensified tropical cyclones and sea level rise in Palau to 2100. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18, 669-686

  26. Nakajima, R., Tanaka, Y., Guillemette, R., Kurihara, H. (2017) Effects of coral-derived organic matter on the growth of bacterioplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates. Coral Reefs. 36, 1171-1179

  27. Nakajima, R., Yamazaki, H., Lewis, L.S., Khen, A., Smith, J.E., Nakatomi, N., Kurihara, H. (2017) Planktonic trophic structure in a coral reef ecosystem-Grazing versus microbial food webs and the production of mesozooplankton. Progress in Oceanography 156: 104-120

  28. Nakajima, R., Nakatomi, N., Kurihara, H., Fox, M., Smith, J. E., Okaji, K (2016) Crown-of-Thorns starfish larvae can feed on organic matter released from corals. Diversity 8, 18

  29. Golbuu, Y., Gouezo, M., Kurihara, H., Rehm, L., Wolanski, E. (2016) Long-term isolation and local adaptation in Palau’s Nikko Bay help corals thrive in acidic waters. Coral Reefs, 35, 909-918

  30. Tanaka, K., Holocomb, M., Takahashi, A., Kurihara, H., Asami, R., Shinjo, R., Sowa, K., Rankenburg, K., Watanabe, T.,  McCulloch, M. (2015) Response of Acropora digitifera to ocean acidification: constraints from δ11B, Sr, Mg and Ba comopositions of aragonitic skeletons cultured under variable seawater pH. Coral Reefs, 34, 1139-1149

  31. Baria M.V.B.B, Kurihara, H. Harii, S. (2015) Tolerancce to elevated tempearture and ocean acidification of the larvae of solitary corals Fugia funites (Linn. 1758) and Lithophyllon (Fungia) repanda (Dana 1846) Zoological Science, accepted

  32. Schutter, M., Nozawa, Y. Kurihara, H. (2015) The effect of elevated CO2 and increased temperature on in Vitro fertilization success and initial embryonic development of single male:female crosses of broad spawning corals at mid- and high-latitude locations. Journal of Marine Science Engineering 3, 216-239

  33. Edmund, P.J., Steneck, R., Albright, A., Carpenter, R.C., Chui, A.P.Y., Fan, T.-Y., Harii, S., Kitano, H., Kurihara, H., Legendre, L., Mitarai, S., Muko, S., Nozawa, Y., Padilla-Gamino, J. Price, N.N., Sakai, S., Suzuki, G., van Oppen, M.J.H., Yarid, A., Gates, R.D. (2014) Geographic variation in long-term trajectories of change in coral recruitment: a global-to-local perspective. Marine and Freshwater Research 66, 609-622

  34. Aze T, Barry J, Bellerby RGJ, Brander L, Byrne M et al. (2014)  An updated synthesis of impacts of ocean acidification on marine biodiversity. CBD Technical Series 75, 99pp, ISBN:92-9225-527-4

  35. Kurihara H, Yin R, Nishihara G, Soyano K, Ishimatsu A (2013) Effects of ocean acidification on growth, gonad development and physiology of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Aquatic Biology, 18, 281-292 (11)

  36. Inoue S. Kayanne  H, Yamamoto S, Kurihara H (2013) Spatial community shift from hard coral to soft corals in volcanically acidified water. Nature Climate Change. DOI:10.1038/NCLIMATE1855 (28)

  37. Halsdband C, Kurihara H (2013) Potential acidification impacts in zooplankton in CCS leakage scenarios. Marine Pollution Bulletin 73, 495-503 (7)

  38. Takahashi A, Kurihara H (2012) Ocean acidification does not affect calcification or productivity of the tropical coral Acropora digitifera under semi-natural conditions.  Coral Reefs 32, 305-314 (16)

  39. Kurihara H, Takano Y, Kurokawa D, Akasaka K (2012) Ocean acidification reduces biomineralization-related gene expression in the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Marine Biology 159, 2819-2826

  40. Nakamura M, Morita M, Kurihara H, Mitarai S (2011) Expression of hsp70 and hsf1 in the  reef coral Acropora digitifera under prospective acidified conditions over the next several   decades. Biology Open1, 75-81 (7)

  41. Kawaguchi S, Kurihara H, King R, Hale L, Berli T, Robinson J, Ishida A, Wakita M, Virtue P, Nicole S, Ishimatsu A (2010) Will krill fare well under Southern Ocean acidification?   Biology Letters. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0777 (50)

  42. Ishimatsu A, Kurihara H (2010) Effects of CO2-induced ocean environmental changes on marine life: implications for aquaculture. Proceedings of Asean-Seafedec 36-44

  43. Ackley L, Kelvin W, Kurihara H, Vengatesen T (2009) The relationship between CO2 driven acidification and larval metamorphosis of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 

  44. Kurihara, H. (2008) Effects of CO2-driven ocean acidification on the early developmental stages of invertebrates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 373, p.275-284.(322)

  45. Kurihara, H., Asai T., Kato, S., Ishimatsu, A. (2008) Impacts, Impacts of elevated pCO2 on the early development of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Aquatic Biology, 4, p. 225-233. (101)

  46. Kurihara, H., Matsui, M., Furukawa, H., Hayashi, M. and Ishimatsu, A. (2008) Long- term effects of predicted future seawater CO2 conditions on the survival and growth of the marine shrimp Palaemon pacificus. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology, 367, p. 41-46. (71)

  47. Kurihara, H. and Ishimatsu, A. (2008) Effects of elevated CO2 on the life cycle of copepod Acartia tsuensis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56, p1086-1090. (96)

  48. Kurihara, H., Katoh, S. and Ishimatsu, A. (2007) The impacts of acidification on the early development of oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Biology 1, p91-98. (179)

  49. Kurihara, H., Asai, T., Kato, S. and Ishimatsu, A. (2007) Seawater chemistry change and marine calcifiers. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the Oceanography and Fisheries Science of the East China Sea, p88-92

  50. Kurihara, H., Ishimatsu, A. and Shirayama, Y. (2007) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on the meiofauna. Journal of Marine Science Technology 15, p17-22. (15)

  51. Kurihara H. and Ishimatsu, A. (2005) Effects of increased CO2 concentration on the marine organisms. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the oceanography and fishery science of the East China Sea, p139-143

  52. Kurihara, H. and Shonan, A. (2005): Developmental potential of small micromeres in sea urchin embryos. Zoological Science, Zoological Science 22, p845-852 (7)

  53. Kurihara, H. and Shirayama, Y. (2004): Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on sea urchin early development. Marine Ecology Progress Series 274, p161-169. (231)

  54. Kurihara, H., Shimode, S., Shirayama, Y. (2004): Effects of raised CO2 concentration on the egg production rate and early development of two marine copepods (Acartia steueri and Acartia erythraea). Marine Pollution Bulletin 49, p721-727 (107)

  55. 32. Kurihara, H., Shimode, S., Shirayama, Y. (2004): Sub-lethal effects of elevated  planktonic  copepods and sea urchins. Journal of Oceanography 60 (4), p 743-750 (139)

  56. Kurihara, H. and Shirayama, Y. (2004): Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 and decreased pH on sea urchin embryos and gametes. Proceedings of 11th International Echinoderm Conference, Echinoderms: München, Heinzeller & Nebelsick (ed), p31-36

  57. Kurihara, H., Kita, J., Ishimatsu, A. and Shirayama, Y. (2004): Research on the marine ecosystem in a High-CO2 world. Proceedings of Long-term variations in the coastal environments and ecosystems, p139-143

  58. ​Kurihara H, Shirayama Y (2002) Effects of increased CO2 concentration in the sea water on the early development of sea urchin embryo. Zoological Science 19, 1502.

レポート、著書 その他

Kurihara H and Hongo C Paradise of Nature (Understanding the world of Palau)

栗原晴子 (2017) 4章 海洋酸性化 海の温暖化、海洋学会


Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (CBD report)

AMAP Assessment 2013: Arctic Ocean Acidification

栗原晴子(2013) ベントスII (棘皮動物、甲殻類など)に対する海洋酸性化影響 海洋と生物207: 332-337

栗原晴子(2013)海洋酸性が海洋生態系に及ぼす影響 海洋と生物207: 356-365


University of the Ryukyus

Biology Program, Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science

Rikei Fukugou Room# 415, 606, 607

Senbaru 1 Nishihara-town Nakagami-gun Okinawa, Japan 903-0213

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